Many people are so busy becoming a better version of themselves. Often before even feeling themselves, feeling familiar with the deeper parts of themselves, or their living body (the soma). Before knowing who they truly are or knowing how to get to know their most authentic selves. Let alone having a relationship with themselves that includes all of them.

Improving yourself as a way of escaping from who you are, and of escaping from building a loving, attentive relationship with your inner self.

Being busy improving yourself before creating a relationship with yourself that is self-respecting, nurturing, and compassionate. Or setting up for improving yourself before being able to be wholeheartedly and consciously present in this relationship with your inner self, and your living body.

It is in the quality of this relationship with yourself that the improvement lies. Not in how you become better or change.

This beautiful quote says it so clearly and precisely:

“Drop the self-improvement project, for now at least, and first spend some time learning how to connect to your innermost Self, and how to nourish that ability to connect.” Christopher “Hareesh” Wallis

Do you want to connect with yourself in a more loving way and get to know yourself more intimately? Do you want to experience less effort in being?

I offer various live retreats that help you deepen your relationship with yourself and find joy and vitality through self-love.