A retreat for resourcing, resting and challenging yourself

I wanted to get out of my head and find some confidence in my body.
I was pulled toward this retreat as it focused on movement and creativity, both things that feel I need more of in my life.

The background of the teacher, the location of the retreat, as well as the rural feeling given in the photos all attracted me.

We moved and danced twice a day, often in ways that my body wasn’t used to.This was very liberating, and I’ve come home feeling more of a connection with my body.

There were daily (creative or reflective) sessions, along the theme of the day, which fed into the evening dance session. I felt challenged emotionally at several points, but I also always felt supported and safe. 

The food was also excellent – healthy, colorful, and carefully prepared – so I also feel healthy, as well as motivated to try new dishes at home.

The retreat is pretty intimate (depending on how many people sign up). We were two and were effectively welcomed into Pingel and Peter’s home, and made to feel like part of the family (along with dog, cats, and chickens). They were very attentive to our requests.

It was a privilege to be invited onto their beautiful farm and to share their dream with them, if only for a few days.

Catherine Stoneman
