Exclusive private healing dance retreat for women

Reclaim your inner freedom and create beauty with who you are

How do you feel? And how do you want to feel?


This private transformative somatic dance/movement retreat offers you a chance to:

  • Clean up your inner world
  • Reconnect with your sensuous Wise Feminine Self
  • Discover which habits in perceiving, sensing, feeling, thinking, and moving are keeping you stuck in a state that doesn’t feel alive, present, and spirited.
  • Transform deep limiting beliefs and interfering patterns of the soul, emotions, and physical realm.
  • Heal emotional wounding and grief
  • Realign your soul and re-ignite that inner sparkle.

Expect a retreat that is completely made for you and attuned to your healing pace. A retreat completely focused on your specific challenges, questions, and needs. A retreat that is all about you!

  • 100% attention and dedication to your healing process, needs and well-being
  • Daily one-on-one in-depth somatic coaching and dance sessions (about 18 hours in total)
  • Three delicious, organic meals daily, carefully prepared for you by our chef and tailored to the needs of your gut, digestive fire and nervous system
  • And all the peace, space, and focus to reconnect with yourself and heal on every level of your being

With my gift to feel deep into your inner stream and read your body, I will guide you to make a deep, transforming journey inward to feel what is alive in you, and how it is moving you.

It will be a playful journey in which your emotional wounding will be given room to heal. A journey where the wisdom of your body teaches you how to make a different movement. A new move that comes from an embodied and compassionate connection with yourself. A ‘Yes move’ towards you, your body, and your soul.

You will leave with a blueprint for creating a beautiful life with who you are, and what you have powered by physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, increased pleasure, joy, health, and self-love.

I will guide you using the healing powers of movement, awareness, stillness, body-centered energetic healing, “creative dance processes’, and the beautiful nature that we are in.

Please contact me prior to booking to get to know each other and to feel whether we are a fit for your journey.

Caring and loving retreat

I needed a retreat because of mental load due to divorce, stress and recovering from a hard disease. I chose this offering to reconnect to myself, and healing. After the retreat I feel more inner peace and wisdom. The food was super delicious and nutritious.

Jacky Krell

Dancer, actress, singer/songwriter, Germany

In this private retreat, you will discover how you can bring your attention back to yourself and listen. Your inner wise, sensuous, feminine self has a lot to say.

  1. Learn how to transform your critical inner voice into a source of information and support.
  2. Change your self-image and perception of yourself.
  3. Discover a new, healthier relationship with your feelings and sensations.
  4. Learn how to fine-tune your inner barometer.
  5. Learn how to improve your relationship with yourself from the inside out so you can feel more of your true self.
  6. Explore how to feel whole by Integrating body, mind, and soul.
  7. Get access to the power, wisdom, and energy that resides within you
  8. Realign your soul with its original blueprint and re-ignite that inner sparkle.

Create beauty with who you are and what you have by cleaning up your inner world, removing the hidden sabotaging patterns, and by wholeheartedly welcoming yourself

I will help you to become aware of the dynamics of deep sabotaging beliefs, and vows. How these have formed a self-image that is inconsistent with who you really are and affects your perception of the world, and how you respond. 

How do you feel?

The channels through which we experience: sensing, feeling, intuition, thinking, moving, and imagining, are all inextricably linked. How we feel affects how we think and act. How we perceive the world affects how we feel. They are the driving force behind the way you behave and move, and how you feel when you let them have their way.

Awareness, being present in your body and with your senses and sensations, and connecting and moving with your playful mind are the keys to transforming patterns of perception and start the process of healing.

Healing can be very joyful. You don’t have to go to the bottom of the well to find release. Our body and nervous system have a built-in and self-regulating self-healing program that only needs to be activated.

The creative dance processes and somatic movement practices will take you into this self-healing zone. The hands-on somatic energetic sessions will help you release emotional blocks, anxiety, and imbalance. It will deeply balance and nurture your nervous system, and all body systems as well as guide you to transform movement patterns and habits that limit you from being yourself and block your energy flow, mobility, ease, release, vitality, and sense of security and well-being.

Are you ready to feel how you want to feel?

All bookings go through Bookretreats.com where you can enjoy early-bird rates, free gifts and more exciting extras

I offer you a very unique and personalized holistic, body-centered private healing & coaching program in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment that holds space to meet yourself on a deeper level, in your own time and pace.

It is our greatest aspiration and joy to make your stay, and inner journey a truly wonderful, transformative, empowering, and nourishing experience for you.

The foundation for this carefully created transformative immersion inward is a powerful blend of somatic modalities such as Feldenkrais neuro-physical movement coaching, dance- and creative processes, hand in hand with Neuro-Linguistic Programming, chakra psychology, and energetic techniques such as intuitive systemic constellations, intuitive communication, emotional release, and chakra healing.

Please contact me through Bookretreats prior to booking to discuss the availability of the chosen dates. And most important to get to know each other to feel whether we are a fit for your journey.

Together we will create a program that will cover restoring and empowering movement practices, bodywork sessions, body-centered energetic treatments, and creative dance process coaching. Of course, I will make sure that there will be ample free time to rest, digest, and recharge your ‘inner sparkle’ batteries. You can read more about Sanctuary Jardin de Luz here

Information about our accommodation possibilities, daily program, prices and food can be found on our bookretreats page

All retreats include:

  • Breakfast, Lunch, dinner, drinks & snacks
  • All  sessions mentioned in the program of the retreat
  • Accommodation at Jardin de Luz
  • The trips mentioned in the program

Not included are:

  • Your travel expenses
  • Transport to and from the airport
  • Accommodation other than in Jardin de Luz
  • Travel insurance
  • Additional 1-1 sessions
  • Trips not mentioned in the program

Testimonial by Sintija Kazaka

Me is real Me I was just a bypasser of my own life. I needed to start to feel and be me again.  I chose this offering as it was a 1:1 retreat with the word 'freedom' in a description of what I wanted, and it didn't matter that it involved dancing. The resistance in...

Testimonial by Izabela

I wanted to go on this retreat because I wanted to feel more in touch with myself and more connected to my body. I selected this one because Pingel is a somatic wellbeing specialist which made her the perfect choice.  The time away from real life gave me the chance to...

Testimonial by Michelle Wigmans

Ready to get to know your body and take a deep dive. I needed some time for myself, a break from work and daily life.  The dancing part of the retreat attracted me.  It was a deep dive in personal development. For me it opened up some patterns and things that are...

Testimonial by Natalie Rose Roberts

An amazing transformative retreat! I felt really stressed, over-whelmed and disconnected to myself and my loved ones.  I wanted to specifically do a somatic retreat using dance and movement to reconnect with myself. When I saw that this was a Personal 1:1 retreat;...

Testimonial by Margrietje

A life changing experience ! This retreat has taught me to feel and connect with my body, down to earth so I can feel the connection with others again and bring more joy in my life. Thank you so much, Pingel and Peter!

Testimonial by Taima Sunde

10/10 retreat! I had been feeling very low and had been struggling for a very long time with my self-image and self-esteem. When winter arrives my struggles usually intensify so this year I decided to do something active about it. It is also the last month of the year...

Testimonial by Sharon de Boer

Inward journey surrounded by love and beauty 😍 My 6-day Retreat with Pingel (& Peter, cats, Noah the dog & chicken ladies ;)) was absolutely wonderful. I chose this Retreat to do some soul-searching and work on trauma-related issues and wanted a 1:1 setting....

Testimonial by Silvia Pellegrino

Jardin de Luz is Love and Enlightenment I felt I had several personal issues to solve: feeling unbalanced energies, quite disconnected from the old friends I used to hang out with, looking for more clarity in my life to transcend memories from the past, a feeling of...

Testimonial by Melissa Levebvre

My retreat at Jardin de Luz was magical. At first, you see this land, surrounded by mountains and full of olive and fruit trees, vegetables, herbs, and sweet animals. Everything is there to help you feel supported and encourage openness. And then there’s Pingel and...

Testimonial by Federica Fornara

Expect the unexpected! I wanted to improve the body/mind connection.  I experienced a rich, accurate and flexible program, thanks to Pingel's multidisciplinary skills. She is able to approach with great sensitivity, respect, intelligence and a joyful attitude, the...