Sadness and anger are as much a part of our life as joy. And we have a choice in how we receive and respond to all the challenges life throws at us. Much of it comes down to how we label our emotions, how we perceive ourselves and the world, and how we give meaning to the words we use and receive.

Can we be genuinely open to all aspects of who we are? Can we begin to have compassion for the parts of ourselves that we have excluded from our light? Can we take a step in welcoming back our bodies and the shadow parts that live there hidden in the darkest of our cells…?

When we are able to do this, we begin to build a relationship with ourselves that is grounded in love, authenticity, respect, and living our soul potential.

It is here that words like unconditional love take on a felt meaning and a higher vibration.

It is here that we experience ourselves in a free body that can again move with grace, vitality, and sensuality.

Through a concsious and intimate relationship with our bodies, we can reconnect to our heart’s inner wisdom and healing capacity. Being in touch with our whole self helps us tap into the vast innate intelligence of our body and soul, Create a beautiful life with who you are, and what you have. This is what I call a no-regret relationship with yourself.

Become your own body whisperer and dance in your sovereignty and inner power!

Embark with me on a magical, intimate, and mindful journey through your body. Reconnect with your uniqueness and your heart’s deepest desires, move through your emotional landscapes, and get in touch with your body’s sensations and energetic vibrations.  

Move into Joy offers a holistic and sensory-based approach to healthy happy being in all aspects of life.  I offer transformational retreats for women seeking self-connection, self-acceptance, and expression of their authentic sparkle.

Are you ready to reclaim your power and life artistry? Join me for a retreat at Jardin de Luz Inner Sparkle Sanctuary, Spain