Closing some doors so that other doors can open. Ending a chapter writing a new one…

Closing 2024 for 2025 to open. Saying goodbye to habits, stories, and beliefs that don’t serve anymore and welcoming other parts of ourselves.

The last two years have been challenging, yet inspiring years for me. I have met parts of myself that I have learned to embrace with initial resistance, I have met parts of myself that rock and fill me with pride…  I have done things I never thought I would have the courage to do, pushed my limits, and set some firm boundaries.

I have lost friends and found new ones. I have said goodbye to stubborn beliefs and welcomed new insights. I discovered the power of wonderment as I explored uncharted areas of my heart.

I start this year with a heart that slowly dares to open to what was once frightening.

A delicate dance between inward and outward, old and new, closed and open, tight and loose.

Which chapters will you close? Which doors will you open?

What uncharted areas of your heart are waiting to be explored?

Let us take root in the here-and-now of our sentient, sensuous bodies and soar courageously and free with the winds of 2025. May we boldly invite the unknown that unfolds behind the door that opens and receive its surprise with curiosity and wonder.