“Please make yourself comfortable on the table.”

A moment before G. watched me walk and made some simple dance moves.

I have an un-bearable pain in my hips and a heavy tension in my body for what seems like ages. It’s been examined so many times, I’m almost desperate.

With my clothes on, I lie down on my side.

She curls her hands over my ribs.

I feel lazy rolling, a tiny movement sets  my right hip free.  My vertebrae follow – one by one – forwards, backwards and sideways… I turn, I twist…

My breath flows in places where I’ve never been with my mind before. I sink deep into my body. My muscles soft and heavy. The table moulds itself gently around my bones.

I sigh from my toes…  as time stands still…

“Was I asleep? “

Mmmh you were for a split second.” a twinkly wink in her voice.

I’m turning on my other side. My achy hip… Her hands move me slowly and distinctly. I wait for the famous pain, but no… This new sensation makes me laugh out loud…”Aaahh” years of tension glide out of my body..

Her hands playfully explore, she makes my bones dance…  “ohhh divine ” my head swings happily  along. I think of the domino effect: where one falling stone sets all the other stones in motion.

Forgotten is my pain. My hips roll with joy in all directions… like a fluid, sensual dance.

I thought I was flexible, but… WOW! This feels so easy and free… 

After this delicious session I walk, I dance like I have wings, I feel free, I swing!  What a delight to move again, without tension, without pain.

(From ‘my first Feldenkrais experience’, Pingel)

Three sessions later and the pain in my hips was completely gone. I could dance my high heel tangos again and enjoy my yoga class again. I was completely under the spell of the Feldenkrais method and signed up for the first following training to become a Feldenkrais teacher.

Now, 15 years later, I still marvel at the power of this method with every session I give: How amazing the way such subtle movements transform lives at the level of the nervous system and brain.

Would you like to experience a session?