Seeing with different eyes
In this video, I talk about how you can change your perspective through a simple, nourishing dance play with hands and eyes
In this video, I talk about how you can change your perspective through a simple, nourishing dance play with hands and eyes
In this video, I talk about my relationship with the body. What my body means to me. How it connects me to life, spirituality, and Mother Earth.
In this video, I talk about the impact of our physical and mental habits and our emotional behavior on our life energy. Energy that wants to move. It expresses itself through our movement and our voice. Ultimately, the way our energy is allowed to flow determines how we connect to ourselves and our environment.
I offer a free series on YouTube ‘The sound of You’, to help you to feel free in your body and vibrant, energized, and spontaneous in your life.
Feeling more wase and pleasure all starts with becoming aware of how you feel in your body!
How do you feel? And is that how you want to feel?
Most people’s sensation compass is tuned to pain. To feel pain, you need more pain. It’s a vicious cycle that puts you in a downward spiral. By realigning yourself with the smallest sensations of pleasure and ease, you can begin to realign your sensation compass. It all starts with a more curious, intimate, and caring relationship with your body.
By feeling into your body without immediately judging what you feel, you can reconnect with that inner wisdom and tap into the healing capacity of your system and its intelligence. Pleasure attracts more pleasure. In this video, I tell you more.
In this video, I am talking about a topic that I am very passionate about: What is Health? What is healing?
I also offer a free mini-series of Feldenkrais somatic movement at the end that contains very valuable and transformative lessons to start to thrive in your life. It is called your Compass for health and vitality at the heart of your being.
In this free series, I share 5 important principles and 5 movement lessons that can drastically change the way you feel right now for a permanent better. What does health mean to you?