Testimonial by Jeanne
I went from freeze to flow !
I had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in the lower back and did not want to take painkillers.
I had also lost my natural enthusiasm.
I googled the words ‘freeze’ because I felt stuck and ‘flow’ because that is what I felt I needed, and up came the title ‘from freeze to flow.’
I am a great believer in synchronicity.
I learned that pain need not be painful, that the body is a microcosm where all parts have a place and must be recognized and allowed to play the part they were made for.
I learned the importance of really listening to the body so that it does not need to shout through chronic pain. I also learned that to be healthy, the body needs every type of movement.
I would like others to know that whatever they are looking for, they will find what they need if they open their eyes, ears, and hearts and pick up the signs.
This retreat is a lifestyle, not just dance therapy. Every aspect of life there has a message.