You are enough

You are enough

I am preparing for the solo retreat that will start in less than a week.

In many of the past retreats, women told me about their struggle with ‘Not being good enough’. One of the tools in my magic healing box is the Systemic Dance Constellation Ritual. It was born out of my own intuitive way of systemic constellation and the training in systemic work I received in training as a somatic energetic therapist

I love to constellate the theme of ‘not being good enough’ by playing with our Self-wise energy personalities. Our Self Wise is the part in us that often got wronged or ridiculed in our childhood.

I know from experience that it can leave big scars and feelings of being disempowered, not equipped with the right survival tool, of not feeling of any worth. It has a huge influence on our life decisions, how we dream and desire for ourselves, our relationships, and how we dare to stand up for ourselves.
It is important to heal that part! To change your belief settings and self-image. And there is a very powerful way to invite our mind to stop her chatter: Movement and Play!
I believe that moving is the medicine, and to play is to heal. Through movement, we can gently sense our way in, with our body as the foundation.
After one of the Systemic Dance Constellation Rituals, I gifted myself, I wrote myself this little empowering poem:

“Not good enough” There she is again. Her venom paralyzes me to my core and grabs me by the throat. She drags me into her raging stream full of self-condemnation and comparisons to others. I go head over heels for her vicious words. She pulls me into her dark deep waters. Slowly I feel myself drowning in the fear of not being able to survive with who I am. Is it possible to believe in something else?

For a moment, “not being good enough” gets its way. Then strong hands pull me up, a soft voice whispers ‘It is not true’. It is another part of me. I break free from this devastating stream of thought. I feel the power of “not good enough” weakening. Her poison will miss its effect this time. She will have no more power over me..”

Re-membering yourself home in your body

Re-membering yourself home in your body

“Our bodies know they belong; it is our minds that make our lives so homeless.” John O’Donohue

I love this quote and I believe there is so much truth in it! 

Our stories start in the body with the way our autonomous nervous system ‘feels’ the world from moment to moment. It is called ‘neuroception’; a term originating from Stephen Porges’s Polyvagal theory. We only have little awareness of these subtle shifts in our states and the influence that they have on how we feel, perceive our environment, and behave from moment to moment. These wordless neuroceptive messages are somatic signals, like a gut feeling, sensations of temperature change, sensations from our organs, muscles or our heart intuition … The autonomic nervous system sends these neuroceptive signals to the brain.

 Our mind then starts to give meaning to this somatic story that our body tells by creating the beliefs that guide our daily life. A story is being born.

Since this process usually takes place in the unconscious background of our daily lives, ‘our moment-to-moment being’, such a story has a chance to take deep root. It is often the seed from which unconscious habits in perception, behavior, movement, and attitude grow. And these habits influence our decision-making, self-image, reactions, and how we see the world and give meaning to what we perceive, and ultimately how we relate to others and our environment.

Awareness is the key to our unconscious stories

We can become aware of this unconscious flow of information by pausing, listening in our body, and attending to our body sensations before we interpret them with our mind. Much like being a witness

 When we can observe from the curious, playful “infant mind space” rather than our more judgmental “ego mind space,” we create a new space for trying out options in response, behavior, and perception. An option to enact a new story by using the ability of our nervous system and body to adapt, change and grow.

Unlock your capacity for self-healing

We meet ourselves through our infant mind space when we attend to conscious movement, expressive dance, and arts. When we invite ourselves to reconnect with our bodies, to play, explore and discover the wisdom that our body holds for us. I believe this unlocks our capacity for self-healing

It’s how I healed myself many years ago when I realized that I had lost my zest and sparkle and felt alienated from myself. I made the choice to change how I listened to and looked at myself, to re-story, to meet myself again in movement, in the moment, to re-member myself home in my body.

Are you curious how you can feel more whole and connected to your body?

Maybe a dance movement creativity retreat at Jardin de Luz is something for you.  Feel welcome to contact me for A free orienting conversation

Are you trapped in an old story?

Are you trapped in an old story?

Yesterday I participated in an online training course to become an NIA Blackbelt teacher with about twenty other women. The assignment we got was to take turns in front of the camera, engaging the other women in your dance. I felt the shrinking motion, so familiar to me, of wanting to vanish into thin air. I am back on that bright spring day more than 40 years ago.

‘Birds are twittering and a gentle summer breeze rustles through the trees. Other children’s laughter and voices echo through the hallways. It is my first day at a new school and shyness and curiosity fight together as I hesitantly step into the new classroom.

I am watched closely by a group of girls and crack a shy smile. A sharp voice cuts through the room. The piercing cold eyes of an old gruff woman bore into me. I feel awfully uncomfortable. She calls me to come to the front of the class. With clammy hands I stand in front of the blackboard, sweat gushes down my back, and I feel the heat rising to my cheeks… She is the teacher and I feel that she does not like me at all.

She makes a snide comment about my father and pulls hard on my ear. I feel myself shrinking and my cheeks flush red, tears prick my eyes, clouding my vision. In front of me, I hear booing and laughing and commenting about my fire-red head, my weird name, stick-out ears and hazel teeth. I feel something is terribly wrong with me, but what and why?

Later in the schoolyard, they stand before me, the group of boys from my class. They pull at me, push me to the ground, and hiss that they are not done with me yet. I hide, I tremble, in my own little world, “I do not belong, I am not safe”.

 I quickly turned off my camera in a flight response. I feel caught again in this old story of being pilloried, being punished, the shame, the feeling that something is wrong with me but what and why? A story that keeps repeating itself over and over again.

But there it was the voice from deep inside: “IT IS ENOUGH”. “I’m done hiding, being invisible.” Back on again I put the camera, raising my middle finger to this story. Shy, nervous, and at the same time curious and determined to enjoy the dance, I stepped into my light and showed my sparkle.

Do you have old stories that keep you trapped in pain and tension?

Old childhood pain takes on big forms. In our subconscious, the hurt children go their own way. In the therapy world, it is also called the shadow. That’s where all the emotions live that are too painful and unsafe to deal with. I had my ways of pushing the shadow away from me, dissociating was one of them. It was in no way pleasant to live in a very tense and exhausted body either. I was very easily overwhelmed and always on high alert with others.

Living with so much tension and anxiety comes with a price. Sooner or later, the body says “No”. My body decided enough was enough on one rainy, grey, and cold winter day. She was done with the toxic environments that I managed to get myself into, time and time again. As if this past painful story had to be told over and over again.

That one day, ‘that tough day like all the other days’, I chose a new movement in a different direction, while my body took the lead.

This is where my journey into joy, spontaneity, and feeling free began.

Feeling safe doesn’t come overnight.

Only when the immediate threat is gone, do the survival patterns come to the surface. The coping attitudes- and behaviors, the deep beliefs and emotional habits that are on auto-repeat.

My journey progressed in stages. First I got to know my body, feel at home with her… Feeling safe doesn’t come overnight. It requires tuning in, again and again, attuning to the flow of feelings within, the movement of the body, the contraction and expansion, the pain and pleasure. I kept asking questions, curious about the relationships within, and eager to learn. Slowly descending, playing both with my fear and my desire for pleasure. Letting my roots sense into the earth while I gently fell through emotional layers.

Quaking, shaking, screaming, laughing through a sea of tears, I came home to myself, embracing my precious inner sparkle. The dance that once knocked me out, now lets me find my way back home.

Are you done with old stories that rule your life?

Do you want to re-find your inner sparkle and let it shine?

I am happy to shine my light on you here in Jardin de Luz. Let me be your sparkle guide and support you on your journey.

You can book a solo retreat here in the beautiful nature of southern Spain. You will stay in a sweet little house among olives and almonds, overlooking the beauty and power of mother earth. Besides the ‘inner journey sessions’, I will make sure you eat deliciously healthy and have all the space you need to unwind, digest and make a new movement. Want to know more? Book a skype/zoom session with me

How do you measure your health?

How do you measure your health?

In this video, I am talking about a topic that I am very passionate about: What is Health? What is healing?

I also offer a free mini-series of Feldenkrais somatic movement at the end that contains very valuable and transformative lessons to start to thrive in your life. It is called your Compass for health and vitality at the heart of your being.

In this free series, I share 5 important principles and 5 movement lessons that can drastically change the way you feel right now for a permanent better. What does health mean to you?


Act in spite of fear

Act in spite of fear

Looking at this picture that I found on Facebook 3 years ago, I am most touched by the words ‘Act in spite of fear’. I feel that I and with me, many others have firm struggles with overcoming the fear that is holding us back from following our heart. Fear of not being good enough, not being safe in ourselves, not belonging, falling or failing, being visible or invisible, being rejected, fear for our own potential or living a meaningless life, never really doing what we deep in ourselves dreamt of doing… and so on.

Two years ago, when facing the fear that was holding me back from choosing to step out of the cozy prison I had created for myself, I met very old emotional pain that asked for my attention.  I learned that dealing with fear is not only a mindset. I believe there are strong emotional habits behind our mindset, that are responsible for many of our thinking patterns and nowadays beliefs. Emotional patterns,  deeply hidden in our cells, that are responsible for unconscious self-sabotaging beliefs. They were formed when we were still little ones that did not have the words yet to express ourselves nor the social knowledge to understand what was going on in our lives.

These emotional habits are so firmly ingrained in our physical structure -our posture, our way of walking, and our way of moving through life-, that they have become like our signature. Fairly often it is not as simple as letting go of the beliefs they bring to mind. We have become attached to them for better or worse as the struggle with them has become a purpose in itself. We’re not aware that we’re holding on to them by choosing to control, fight them, push them away, and refuse to own them. That we are actually avoiding the even bigger fear of not knowing and not being in control. But isn’t it in the unknowing that our dreams will unfold themselves?

I believe these beliefs and the emotional patterns that form their root, can only be addressed, brought up, and transformed in close collaboration with the body.

I discovered that the body expresses the emotions that we tend to push away through tension and pain in our body tissue, our muscles, joints, and organs, causing an overwhelmed nervous system, fatigue, depression, hormonal disbalance, and ultimately disease. I am talking about psycho-somatic issues in the tissues that most doctors have no answer for but ‘learn to live with them’. Mystery pain and tension that has no name nor a cause in most of the classic medical books.

On my own journey, I learned to dare to not know and stop controlling fear. Staying present with fear in heart and mind amidst the emotional overwhelm is challenging but not impossible. And actually stepping into action in spite of fear brought to the surface my most hidden gifts and talents. I learned to feel and see beyond the physical pain and feel the emotional story behind a posture or physical movement pattern f.e. walking. In short, I learned to walk my talk.

When making choices that were more aligned with who I am, I felt clear how highly tense, sore tissues started to soften over time. I learned to relieve habits of stress by listening to my body’s impulses. My organs got back their motility and mobility and improved function. My immune system is still growing stronger every day. Even to the point where some old food intolerances disappeared. After 30 years of chronic exhaustion, I am now feeling alive and full of zest.

And as I continue following and trusting the voice of my body whether she talks about food, movement, emotions, thoughts, memories, or pain I get to know what my soul craves. Like a shadow guide, I explore the hidden emotions and beliefs behind the physical pain, the constrained movement, the tiredness, and the unhealthy patterns that I created over time.

And as I go there, sad emotions and sheer fear come to the surface like little monsters. Except when connecting with them, they seem more like little children feeling very lost in the dark. In my opinion, the work is about bringing these little ones home as they carry with them so many of our soul’s gifts and talents.

Steadily I am finding ground in my body. And the more I breathe with her in moments of fear, the more she softens, opens, and stops holding on to it.

I dare say that choosing the life you wish for in spite of fear, is a powerful way to dismantle that same fear. It starts with reclaiming your dream step by step: addressing and unraveling old emotional habits and reframing old childhood belief systems while embracing new chosen life experiences, and sensations. To refind our ground in the body releases anxiety and overwhelm. Remembering the body as our earth’s home creates the peacefulness and safety from the inside that is so needed to move along unknown paths.

When I set out to fulfill my dream and find my truth, I never dreamed of finding so much potential for healing and growth by owning my fear and stopping controlling it.

I now trust, listen and validate my own instinctual and intuitive wisdom and act upon that wisdom. What a difference that makes! I feel there is calmness in one’s own wise words when one speaks them to oneself. There is peace underneath the fear when one allows the body to move with it. To trust that there is silence in the eye of the storm that overwhelms the nervous system and that this silence comes with strength and insight to face the inner storms and showers of rain yet to come.

I believe we can only change mindset when we change the full setting; mind, body, nervous system, and soul. I feel they are all interconnected and can’t be separated in the processes of learning and healing.

The tool needed for change is to become self-aware in sensing, feeling, thinking, and action, owning every aspect of this including the consequences of our choices and actions. In understanding why you are where you are, you will know which way to walk and how to choose your path.

So if you also feel that your comfort zone is a safe prison, it might be time to reconsider if you want to stay there. Why not take the first small step out of your comfort zone… In spite of fear!

In the retreats that I offer, I help you find ground in your body and get ready for new choices and actions. If you are interested you can check my retreats on