Natural impulses to heal
Let´s have a look at our brain´s agenda In the former blog I wrote about the importance of a sustainable energy budget for healthy emotional, mental, and physical being. Maintaining a sustainable energy budget is one of our brain's priorities. It is constantly...
When there is not enough energy for what you need
What does your internal energy consumption look like? There is a lot going on about energy efficiency and how to minimise high energy bills. We all have households with many energy-consuming appliances like smartphones, refrigerators, washing machines, lighting, and...
Every door that closes opens another door
Closing some doors so that other doors can open. Ending a chapter writing a new one... Closing 2024 for 2025 to open. Saying goodbye to habits, stories, and beliefs that don't serve anymore and welcoming other parts of ourselves. The last two years have been...
Seeing with different eyes
In this video, I talk about how you can change your perspective through a simple, nourishing dance play with hands and eyes
What does your body mean to you?
In this video, I talk about my relationship with the body. What my body means to me. How it connects me to life, spirituality, and Mother Earth.
My first Feldenkrais experience
"Please make yourself comfortable on the table." A moment before G. watched me walk and made some simple dance moves. I have an un-bearable pain in my hips and a heavy tension in my body for what seems like ages. It's been examined so many times, I'm almost desperate....
The power of your self-image
How do you feel? And how do you want to feel? These are the most important questions for me when guiding someone. These questions led me to how a person experiences herself or her body and has created an image of herself. And for many women, that self-image is...
Testimonial by Eline
Dear Pingel and Peter, My private retreat at your center was such a great experience! What I recall the most is the transformative power of intuitive dance. Pingel has a lot of knowledge of different types of somatic dance. She knows exactly what to use for your...
Testimonial by Lucy Hunter
Pingel's sessions are off the map good. It took me 4 days to integrate one of her body-work sessions on me. Bringing more than just a method to the way she works, her dexterity in awareness, intuition and skills let my body transform and come home to harmony where it...
Break your habits through movement
There are so many invisible rules we follow, often without knowing it. Whether it's an instruction your mother gave you in childhood about sitting up straight, or that as a woman you should keep your knees together as an expression of virtue, or that you shouldn't...